Брайан Бойд

1. The Ballerina

Typical fair-like activities are seen:
crowds, a hurdy-gurdy, dancing,
a puppet theater.

The showman of the puppet theater
charms three of his puppets
to life: a Moor,
a ballerina...

Дама в бархатном платье под сенью
гипсовых статуй, точно оттиск
с картины Филиппо в журнале,
с пачкой тонких
черных сигарет,
дымок вьется,
как нитка.

...and Petrushka, the clown.

Dancing first on their stands,
they soon jump down from
the puppet theater and
join the astonished
crown in the open
of the fair.

2. The Master of Puppets

Petrushka, who has been endowed with
emotions, despises his grotesque
appearance and dreads the yoke
of his master, the showman...

Он сдирает наклейку с сигары и швыряет
сигару вслед за наклейкой. Окно
рассекает движения сеткой
из толстых прутьев. Он
втыкает жасмин
в петлицу,
как нож.

Having fallen in love with the ballerina,
Petrushka attempts to charm her with
his dancing and clowning, but his
uncouth behavior only frightens
her. He soon finds himself
alone in his cell,
cursing a portrait
of the showman.

3. The Moor

When Petrushka discovers that
the ballerina loves the Moor,
he becomes insanely jealous
and attempts to come
between them but is
vanquished by
the Moor...

Его взгляд, рикошетом отлетевший
от старого камня, пробивает
чугунную решетку окна,
замирает на белом лице,
хлестнув по открытым
глазам ледяной

After more scenes of revelry at the fair,
Petrushka suddenly appears from behind
the curtain of the puppet theater
being pursued by the Moor.

4. Petrushka, the clown

The ballerina attempts to restrain
the Moor but is unable to prevent
him from mortally wounding

Сперва он не понял, что стало с руками,
почему свело судорогой горло,
почему очки с грохотом
упали на каменный пол,
в хрустящие

As snow begins to fall, Petrushka dies
and the showman comforts horrified
bystanders by assuring them
that Petrushka is nothing
but a puppet.

5. Nothing but a puppets

As the showman drags the lifeless,
broken body off stage...

...ее взгляд, рисующий знаки вопроса
по плоским пластинам стекла...

...however, Petrushka's ghost
appears triumphant on the roof
of the Puppet theater...

...милый мальчик, как теперь безобразны
твои птичьи глаза...

...mocking the stupidity
of the public who were...

...мертвые пчелы на сладком пироге,
с обожженными крыльями...

...so easily fooled by the showman.

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